How do I set up Google Scholar to use off-campus?


If you use Google Scholar, you can configure it to have the Check MCLA Full-Text links appear off-campus by changing your Scholar Preferences.

First time off-campus users of Google Scholar should go to the main Google Scholar page and click on the three bars on the upper left hand side of the screen. In the "Library Links" section do a search for MCLA to set up a link to our library. We also recommend you set up a link to "Open WorldCat."  Articles that we own in our databases will then be linked to within your search results in Google.

Step 1:

Menu on upper left hand side of screen

Step 2:

Setting link

Step 3:

add mcla library to access links

  • Last Updated Jul 27, 2022
  • Views 241
  • Answered By Pamela Contakos

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