I am getting a a security warning or a "your connection is not private" message when using Libby, the OverDrive app, or the library's OverDrive website.


If you are using an older operating system or browser. (i.e. iOS9 or below, or Windows 8 or below) you will see a security warning or a "your connection is not private" message when using Libby, the OverDrive app, or your library's OverDrive website.

If you continue despite the security warning, your data could be compromised since Overdrive can’t verify that users seeing this message are connecting with a legitimate server. Please note that OverDrive does not control the message displayed within the security warning, and messaging may vary based on your platform and browser.

To avoid this error and use Libby and Overdrive, you must update your operating system.


  • Last Updated Oct 04, 2021
  • Views 25
  • Answered By Pamela Contakos

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